Sunday, September 15, 2024

I have it on good authority that the Marlow Jazz Club evening on Tuesday 17th September with guest Tony Kofi, will be going ahead.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Michael Eagleton

It is with great sadness that I must pass on to you the sad news that I received yesterday that Michael Eagleton, promoter and passionate jazz fan, died on Monday.

Below is that news via Marlow FM

He hadn't been in the best of health for some time, but it was a shock to hear of his passing. All our condolences must go to Ann, and to his many friends and family. 

He may no longer be physically with us, but I'm sure his legacy will live on.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Over the last few days I have been to a couple of amazing sessions of great jazz.

AND I am looking forward to another evening of great jazz coming to Hedsor Jazz this Thursday!

The “amazing” started last Thursday, when we had presented to us as a surprise that great (no actual reference to size is intended here, but he is “well built”) Scottish jazz trumpeter Bruce Adams. He came as a replacement for Mark Ridout to play alongside saxophonist Frank Walden and it turned out to be a totally wonderful evening of jazz and of fun.

He is a startling trumpet player, but also, when you actually listen to what he is playing, he is also a great improviser. Set alongside the younger saxophonist Frank Walden (whom he had never met before) we had an excellent evening of fun that also satisfied as intriguing jazz. Bruce, even though only playing to our small audience, thoroughly enjoyed playing for us, and has said he would love to come again. He has known and played with Ken McCarthy over a period of 30 years, so although he had never been to Hedsor before, he felt very at home with us. 

As I said, “great”.


The other amazing session was last Sunday afternoon, where Vasilis Xenopoulos played at the first of the Autumn season of Dawkes of Maidenhead’s live sessions. He was alongside pianist Paul Edis as they played titles from their new album “Feels Like Home”. The musicianship was of an incredibly high jaw dropping standard.

The music finished at 5pm, and Vasilis rushed off for his next St Albans!!


Below you will find the details of Dawkes program. It is a comfortable and smart venue and has excellent sound properties for the listener, sitting around small tables with a choice of drinks available for you to complete your afternoon.


Don’t forget that Dawkes is a musical instrument store, not a jazz venue, so the style of music played at their live events has a wider appeal.


The Hedsor Bar isn’t quit so smart (or as new!), but isn’t too uncomfortable or shabby and of course has a full bar. So this Thursday you will be able to hear in comfort what I am sure will be another extremely good session of modern jazz. Really even I have to pinch myself sometimes when I realise the quality of the product Hedsor Jazz produces. This week it is pinch time again, as trumpeter Stuart Henderson and Saxophonist Alum Nathoo come to play for us. Both musicians are outstanding in their own right and don’t forget all our sessions have a trio of experienced musicians backing those on the front line.


Once upon a time we used to travel into London to listen to the standard of jazz played at Hedsor. Now some of the people who used to be in that audience IN London now travel out to us at Hedsor!! Beware, we don’t have street lights!!

Here at Hedsor Jazz we are working on a plan for next year. We have ideas for the 52 Thursdays of 2025, but it would be good if you could let us have your ideas as well. One thing we can offer is that if you have someone in mind and feel that you could actually sponsor that person, we will do our level best to fit them in to our program for 2025. Do let us know. We will get back to you with the likely cost to you of that guest.

There are other jazz venues.

Check out Marlow Jazz

Also Alam Nathoo is playing Bourne End Community Centre on Tuesday November 5th

Finally please keep in mind September 19th, where we at Hedsor Jazz pay tribute to “our” late reedman, Mike Wills

It will be a special evening. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The weeks go by, and slowly the evenings are again getting longer. Our non starting summer is drawing into Autumn, and thoughts of Christmas are beginning to show!

Last week was a busy one, our session with Mark Aston and Alex Corlett on Thursday was another excellent one, with Mark playing not only tenor sax and clarinet, but trombone as well.

My photos of the evening are below.

Al Pirrie was on bass

Mike Jeffries was hiding behind my pint!

Coming this week (Sept 5th) we have a change of program, as I put out ahead of this main text  as soon as I heard about it.

September 5th was always going to be an excellent evening of jazz. As you will be aware by now I hold saxophonist Frank Walden in high regard. Mark Ridout was going to be with him, but he has had to put in a dep!


And that replacement is trumpeter Bruce Adams. Now I don’t know if Frank and Bruce have played together before, but I am certain that September 5th will produce some exciting jazz fireworks. Do check out Bruce’s website HOME | Bruceadams ( Our usual trio will be behind them all the way, so do ensure you are in front of them. Like all good jazz, it will be improvised, not planed, but with a little bit of bop dust, I think it will be a session to be savoured.


Bruce Adams At Swanage in 2007



Meanwhile we still make plans. We now have a pretty good idea of who we will see in October, so a poster for you to display is below. Please copy, print and place in public view.



A few things to highlight about the weeks ahead. Thursday September 19th we will pay tribute at Hedsor to Mike Wills, with Lester Brown, Sue Greenway and Duncan Lamont Jr and a finger buffet.


And for our Christmas Party on December 19th we have invited Lester Brown, Duncan Lamont Jr and that lovely singer Sarah Jane Eveleigh to entertain, and again we will have a light finger buffet.


Coming to other places soon, this Sunday Sept 8th at Dawkes in Maidenhead from 3pm Vasilis Xenopoulos and Paul Edis play music from their new cd.

Do also check out Marlow Jazz, see there web site of read the PDF file:-

November 5th at The Bourne End Community Centre “In The Pocket” will have jazz led by Mike Jeffries, Jezz Cook, Alam Nathoo, and Martin Picket from 8pm

But for now (yes, that phrase does have some lyrics to go with it, but they are not always appropriate!), I look forward to seeing you at Hedsor Jazz.

You know it makes sense.

 This is an important, and exciting update, on This Thursdays HEDSOR Jazz Program.

Guitarist Mark Ridout is unable to be alongside saxophonist Frank Walden on Thursday, but in his place we have trumpeter Bruce Adams! Now THAT may well be a special evening. 

I'll write more blog later, but start telling your friends NOW.

Do check him out via his web page