Monday, December 11, 2023

 Hedsor Jazz and Geoff’s Blog


We all know that Christmas is now approaching, seemingly at the speed of an express train, BUT somehow it has caught us all unawares. So I thought I would try and beat the game by starting my blog a day early.

So at 9am this MONDAY morning, I did, and at 9.05, we had a power outage! NOW at 11am, I start again! 

Why did I want to blog a day earlier than usual? Well, 2 reasons. I still have my collection of Christmas cards to do for family and friends, although I do keep trying to transfer more to electronic means, but ...

And that all takes time!

Secondly, I know you have probably read already what Hedsor Jazz is doing up until Christmas, and that we are doing that from 8pm each week from here on in, (and I will tell you again before this blog is over!) but what I haven’t mentioned before is that I have been invited to run a Christmas Jazz Concert in Maidenheads United Reformed Church. And that is THIS FRIDAY December 15th

You may remember that at the commencement of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Hedsor Jazz ran a fundraiser for Ukraine, and the money raised was donated via Maidenheads United Reformed Church. We gave a cheque presentation to their minister, The Rev David Downing. Well, he has asked us to run a Christmas Jazz event in his Maidenhead church, and that will be from 8pm on Friday 15th December. Entry £10, and all funds raised will go to support their help for Ukraine. 

The church has done a tremendous amount already for Ukraine, and are active every month in shipping necessities out via Poland. Believe it or not, pot noodles are used in their shipments, as all someone hungry needs for a hot meal is a Pot Noodle and some hot water. This may be why Maidenhead is running short of Pot Noodles!

Playing for us at Maidenhead on Friday is a group of jazz musicians that you will have seen at Hedsor Jazz. On Saxophone and possibly trombone, Mark Aston. On Vocals Gill Cook (who will be with as at Hedsor for our Christmas Party). On keyboard Nigel Fox, on bass Peter Hughes, and on drums, Martin Hart. I might add in the odd word, thankfully for you, those word will not be sung!

So please come along and support not only Ukraine, but live jazz. Maidenhead URC can be found in West Street, Maidenhead SL6 1RL. Entry is £10 per head.


If you look closely you will see that the church already has a drum kit and a grand piano!

Coming to Hedsor Jazz THIS THURSDAY is that fine trumpeter and raconteur, Ian Smith. Rumour has it that saxophonist Ollie Wilby will be with him. It would be good to see and hear him again. I think Martin is having a night off, and that our drummer will be Mike Jeffries. As usual, the bass player will surprise me! And I will be surprised as well, because our keyboard player will be Ken McCarthy. Yes, he is with us most weeks, but his playing is always surprising(ly good!). 

That leaves just one more week to go before our Christmas Party, December 21st for fun and food and great jazz for Christmas. Come and share in it all from 8pm.

Below are my pictures from last week.

Talking of surprises, Duncan Lamont Jr brought a great singer with him. Sarah Jane Eveleigh. I know some don’t enjoy singers as much as I do, and from previous experience I have sometimes been disappointed by who does sing at Hedsor Jazz, but Sarah Jane is a star. Her entire performance was without fault and I haven’t enjoyed a singer so much in years. You would not be able to better it for an evening’s entertainment no matter where you go or who you see. AND you would pay much more for the privilege anywhere else.

That’s it for now this MONDAY morning. This MAY be the last blog before Christmas events take over, so I will end by wishing you all a great Festive Time. Enjoy the food and drink and family associated with Christmas.

Perhaps in a quite moment give a thought to those in our society who are not in a position to celebrate and enjoy this time of year in the way that we can.

 As Dickens Tiny Tim said “God bless us every one”.

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