Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A slightly delayed blog issue this week about HEDSOR JAZZ

A number of time consuming delays including a credit card that needs to be un-jammed, and it seems that even a Nationwide branch cant do it!! And this morning lots of response by phone and email to a fake email that didn’t come from me!!

It is a real shame that the great idea for communication by computer has been made so much more difficult to use because of scammers. I have been using computers and the internet since the tail end of the last century, and the wonder and joy of it has now been almost totally replaced by the constant need to safeguard ones identity and the documentation you are sharing from the ever growing skill of the scammers. A jpeg of the fake blog you may have thought came from me is below.


But that isn’t what the blog is supposed to be about! What we are about is Spreading Joy (isn’t that a Sidney  Bechet tune?). Joy in listening to and sharing in live jazz music. Hedsor Jazz is having some great sessions and this year could be a vintage year. For 2 weeks running we have had trumpet players who are new to us and  who are REALLY good.  Last week, with Duncan Lamont Jr, we had one who is also really young!! Mathew Hill is old enough to drink beer, but only just, and what a super player he is. It was a lovely session and thank you to all our audience who turned out in some really inclement weather to listen to him.

My pictures are below.


Coming to us this week (Thursday January 25th ) we have a change to our program. Alan Graham is at the other end of the age range to Mathew, and sadly is no longer well enough to come and play for us. He would love to, but his Medical advisor has advised him not to do so. Get well soon Alan.

As a replacement and to keep saxophonist Mike Wills company is guitarist Jezz Cook. Jezz is a great player, often involved in the Gypsy Jazz music style, but he has also been known to play some Benny Goodman style jazz with Mike on Clarinet. This Thursday we may get both plus, you will have to come to find out.

Mike Wills

Jezz Cook


The Jazz Angels team have had a planning meeting this week, and we have lots of things in the pipeline planed for Hedsor Jazz. Some need a bit of polish before we can let you know what they are, but one I can mention now so that you can put it in your dairy. Please don’t miss this one, because on April 25th we are going to celebrate “Absent Angels”, where we will celebrate some who are no longer with us, and the celebrations will be led by Vasilis Xenopoulos.

Anyway, more news later, and it is all exciting, but as yet we can only keep you in suspense!

PS, if you want to know more about who and what “Jazz Angels” are, have a chat with John Dutton, he would love to tell you!

PPS Recent gales have brought down a tree in Westwood Green. You might like to view its final demise!


Geoff C 

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