Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Geoff’s Blog, which does rather stress all about the jazz at Hedsor Jazz!!

Because those of us who go think it’s all rather good!

Coming this week, Thursday 13th June is that world class combination of Duncan Lamont Jr and Mike Innes

That’s a sax/trombone combination, playing in front of the Hedsor Rhythm Section, with Ken McCarthy on keyboard and Martin Hart on drums.

We haven’t had that paring for some months as Duncan has brought us some other great players to keep him company, but when he comes with Mike Innes, you know the arrangements are going to be superb, and the playing, as mentioned earlier*, will be  world class. Unconvinced, then come and tell me I’m wrong. Pictured below is the pair last time they were at The Hedsor Bar in November 2023

Last week we had a return of the young trumpet player that Duncan introduced us to earlier this year, Matt Hill, and so good is he that we have now had him back to Hedsor a further couple of times. Last week he was accompanied by saxophonist Martin Dunston who played tenor and soprano sax and flute.


It was a joyous evening, made even more special because one of our club members celebrated his 90th birthday at Hedsor with his family. Brian had played the trumpet in his earlier days (having been coached at on time by Kenny Baker) and at the end of the evening he and his family came to the front to be photographed with the band.

Jazz at Hedsor isn’t just about the music, it’s about the friendships we create through our common appreciation of jazz well played. The fact that we have been doing that for over 20 years does make Hedsor Jazz very special.


Coming in the next few months we have plenty to keep you entertained, always with a great deal of top class jazz. Do especially reserve August 15th as top British saxophonist Alan Barnes will be paying us a visit.


Sooner than August, coming next week June 20th we have lady Saxophonist Sue Greenway. She is coming from Oxfordshire to be alongside someone who used to be “our” saxophonist, a founder member of the Clive Burton Quintet, Mike Wills on saxophones multifarious! Perhaps then 2 tenors for the price of a ten pound note!


At the end of the month (June 27th) singer/ trumpeter Steff Pirrie is coming. That name familiar? Well her husband will be right behind her, as he is often behind our quintet, as Mr. Pirrre is bass player Al! They will also be bringing with them another talented young musician, saxophonist Noah Smith.


By the end of June we will be able to share with you who is coming to play in July, and perhaps next week we will be able to tell you more about July as well as August!


We have jazz at Hedsor EVERY THURSDAY. Come and join us.


*do look back on previous blogs, I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before!

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