Tuesday, February 07, 2023

A Brief Blog and a few pics from last week.

Sadly I won’t be part of the seated throng at Hedsor Jazz this week, but even without me it will be just like old times.

This Thursday February 9th we have “The Clive Burton Celebration Quintet”, which means at the front will be our long time associate Mike Wills on reeds coupled with Lester Brown on trumpet, who joined us after Clive past away.

Martin Hart on drums will be providing a trio of backing, and I hope Ken McCarthy will be recovered from his cough and cold to be part of the trio as our keyboard player. Thanks again to Nigel Fox for stepping in during Kens sick leave.

Last weeks session was the first of the year with Duncan Lamont Jr at Hedsor Jazz, accompanied as he often is by Mike Innes on trombone. Duncan was surprised that the room had done a phase shift, but he seemed to think it was more friendly 90 degrees from the way he saw it last.

My photos are below.


Dont forget that Marlow Jazz has restarted, having taken a break in January. On Tuesday 21st February they have The Remix Orchestra, led by Stuart Henderson. The following Month they are hosting Simon Spillett with Bruce Adams.



So, plenty of opportunity for you to help in keeping Live Jazz ALIVE.





1 comment:

Alan Bond said...

Good to see that jazz is still extant in West Berks. I will be coming up that way for April 16th and would like to know if there is anything on the Fiday or Saturday of that weekend as I shall be staying at Woking, which isn't too far away. Between now and then I shall have hosted another two of my monthly jazz programmes on '10 Radio' from Wiveliscombe. I tend to play a mix of styles in the programme as well as plugging our local (and not so local) jazz gigs. These vary from Uffculme in Devon to Langford Budville (near Wellington), Cossington (not far from Bridgwater), and Ilminster as well as Pete Allen's monthly sessions at Sidmouth. Right where I live, in Watchet, we have a venue known as Pebbles Tavern which hosts all sorts of music, much of it jazz or jazz orientated so we are not too badly served in these parts. '10 Radio' also goes out via the internet through the website and among our presenters is Phil Kent, formerly the bass player with the Bob Wallis band. For information, my Email account has changed to alan.bond@talktalk.net, this being due to my passwords etc being lost when my desktop went down. in December of last year so the gmail account is no longer in use. Keep up the good work.