Tuesday, July 30, 2024

After Last Weeks Mammoth Report on the Swanage Jazz Festival

I thought I would keep this weeks read brief!!

Coming to Hedsor Jazz this week, we have a return of Duncan Lamont Jr (did he camp in the bar since last week as he suggested he might?) on Tenor saxophone. He will have with him that lovely lady singer, Sarah Jane Eveleigh. She was with him (and us) back in December 2023, and it will be great to have her back with us again.

Below is the artwork for our August events.


If you have the ability, please print off and distribute as widely as you can. We definitely need to boost our audience numbers. When bass players actually say out loud that they don’t know how we can afford them, something needs to change!

Looking further into the year, in September we plan to have a tribute evening for Mike Wills. The suggested date for this is September 19th so please keep that date free. There are many musicians who would like to pay tribute to Mike, someone who was special to us all at Hedsor Jazz for over 20 years.


Keep listening!




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