The Weeks Go By………
with amazing speed, so here I am again extolling the virtues of jazz, and Hedsor Jazz in particular.
To write this blog I use and choose words. I assemble them to be understood in a language that is read. I also assemble them to encourage and to bring amusement perhaps to those who read them.
Music is another language. One that needs, perhaps, to be understood, but it doesn’t need to be studied to be enjoyed. There are many dialects within the language of music, and JAZZ is just one, itself divided into subsets of style.
At Hedsor Jazz we try to provide a variety of styles, but always performed with skill by true exponents of the music. Coming to Hedsor Bar this week on Thursday March 27th , (hopefully with a less raucous bar room next door) we have two true leaders at the front, people who have built their musical language on the basis of entertaining through it.
Duncan Lamont Jr will be with us on reed instruments. He is a fine exponent of music from stage and film. Yes, he still pays it though the jazz frame, but you may know more of the tunes than those of us who came up through swing and the bop eras. Duncan also has the gift of explaining the tunes with words. He will tell you more about the songs played during the evening than you would get through an evening of BBC Radio 2.
Duncan Lamont Jr |
Pete Rudeforth is a trumpet player with an exceptional ability on that instrument and with a breadth of understanding for the music that comes from playing in more traditional jazz styles. He was one of the last trumpet players in the late Chris Barbers band.
Pete Rudeforth with Al Pirrie |
Behind them will be “our” rhythm section, Ken McCarthy on keyboard and Mike Jeffries on drums, with a bass player (Peter Hughes) who used to run his own jazz club and therefore has a wealth of experience playing any tune.
So do join us this Thursday (March 27th) for a great evening of music in the language of JAZZ.
Last Thursday we had fewer players!
Yes, we did have Ken McCarthy and Mike Jeffries with Al Pirrie on bass, but in front and in soul charge was that Master of Music from Greece, (via Berkley Boston’s music collage), Vasilis Xenopoulos. And for the better part of 2 hours he gave us a master class in the jazz saxophone. It was a superb evening where he played standard tunes like “You Don’t Know What Love is” and “Blame it On My Youth” from memory. No music stand, no mobile phone, just his memory.
Vasilis just wanted to have an evening playing less organised tunes as he had been working on a number of projects recently and just wanted to play rather than concentrate (!), and he did so with fervour and excitement, and with a tone I hadn’t heard from him before. It was indeed a master class. It was only marred by the noisy crowd that night in Hedsor's bar room!
We look forward to more evenings in “conversation” with other jazz voices. Do take a look at our program for April and try and make Hedsor Jazz your Thursday Night habit!