Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
It’s another Wednesday. For some of the day, the sun has shone, something has displaced the colour gray.
Tomorrow something else may help out with the mood. It’s Jazz Night at The Hedsor Social Club with The Clive Burton Quintet. We have had some absolutely splendid nights of jazz at Hedsor over the last few weeks. Most memorable of course would be the Zane Cronje Benefit Concert. What an array of top British talent was there for us to enjoy. We have also had some more usual nights, in our normal room, the bar!! But we have had some wonderful music. Last week, Stuart Henderson alongside Clive was joined by Simon Spillett. The music could not have been bettered in a club charging 3 times the price for entry and a similar surcharge for drinks! The Hedsor bar is now able to serve proper beer, Rebellion is in the air! Well, it’s in the barrel at Hedsor now, and what a treat.
Tomorrow, we have with us again our “regular” reed section; Mike Wills will be with us! All the saxophones, but he never brings his clarinet!! Some of the Benny Goodman style stuff that the Marlow Jazz Festival enjoyed would be nice (hint hint!).
I am uncertain who the guest keyboard man is tomorrow, but we have been treated to some great players during Zane’s absence, so I’m sure tomorrow night will be no exception. We are drawing on the talents of Ken McCarthy (last week), Nigel Fox (the benefit night), Malcolm Cliff (over Christmas), and we have a promise of Alan Berry when he can make it.
There is also that exceptional raffle to excite you and some CD’s for sale as well.
So why not get out your £5 note and come and join us. The music kicks off at 8.30 pm; the bar is open at 7 pm.
Dee and June visited Zane this morning, and I am pleased to report that he seems a bit more comfortable than last week. It must be the feminine touch! Still frail, but with a better colour and a firm handshake. Remember he said he would be back, lets hope that will be the case. At the moment I think that both Zane and Margaret value our thoughts, and care full actions on their behalf.
One final thought. My wife has a "thought a day" note pad. Todays thought is
"Musicians Don't Retire. They Stop When There's No More Music In Them"
And who said that? Louis Armstrong!