The Lianne Carroll CD in Geoff's revue spot this week
This week the nag will be relatively boring, as all the regular venues are being regular, and I don't have a list of guests!!
But in true nagging fashion, this little detail wont stop me from saying that:
Tonight, being the last Tuesday in the month, its Singers Night at The Old Bell in Wooburn, courtesy of Peter. Fine vocal jazz, with elements of Century Jazz plus a singer!! Dine on The Old Bells oriental cuisine, and listen to the music. telephone 01628 520406 to book your ticket.The music starts at 8.30pm.
Wednesday, Lynn Garner and Ken McCarthy will entertain you at The Harrow in Hughenden Valley, and again, the music starts at 8.30pm.
Thursday, there will be Jazz at The Hedsor Social Club. I believe Clive is on Holiday ( I may be wrong, I often am, but 2 months ago he did say that he would be!), but I'm sure the jazz will be surprisingly good! Why surprising? Because people who come to listen for the first time are amazed at the quality and professionalism of the jazz we put on there. If YOU haven't yet been, surprise us all, yourself included, by coming along this week! The music starts at 8.30pm.Raffle ticket entry £5.
Sunday, Century Jazz are as usual at The Fifield Inn, from 8pm.
Tickets are now on sale for the next Jazz Concert at
Cores End Church on October 22nd. It will be an excellent concert, with excellent musicians playing in a building which last year surprised us all with its great acoustics. You can get your ticket (£10) from "Crocks and Crystals" on the Parade at Bourne End, or from "Delizioso" in Cookham Rise.Any profit made from this concert will be donated to charity.
And so we come to my recorded listen of the week.
Lianne Carroll is a young lady singer (not too sure how ladylike mind you!), who I have seen a number of times. She isn't your usual image of a jazz singer, doesn't dress in party frocks, or stand behind a microphone. She sits at a keyboard, usually with a cigarette going all the time, and belts out a kind of urban blues with a lower register voice. Often her tunes, many of her own composition, are a bit gritty. That is, until now. For this, her third album, she is singing far more standards than I've heard her do before ("Eleanor Rigby", "At Seventeen", "I Only Have Eyes For You" for example), but still with that remarkably flexible bluesy dark voice. And her piano playing is more than up to the standard too. Its a kind of barrelhouse sound. On this new album, she is accompanied on one track by fellow Sussex based saxophonist Bobby Wellins, and on another by singer Ian Shaw. Its a brilliant CD. If you have never heard her before go straight out and buy it.I just don't think you will be disappointed. If you have heard her before, then I wont keep you any longer! Splash Point Records SPR003. It's called "Standard Issue " and you can find out more about it on
http://www.splashpointrecords.com/So there you have it, another week for you to spend in Jazzland.
Geoff C
You know it makes sense!