Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I have taken the unusual step of attaching a document of all the gigs run by Clive Burton for Hedsor and Fifield for all of July and most of August, together with potted (or even potty) thumbnails of the guest musicians involved.

I have done this for 2 reasons. The first is that you may like to print it off and pin it up to visibly remind you of the events so you can encourage yourselves to turn out! We do need your support! (If you would like to be sent a pdf file of the document for better/larger printing, contact me by

The Second reason is that you might like to print it off and show it to some of your friends. It will help you to prove to them that we are putting on class acts at these gigs, and you could persuad THEM to turn out! Hedsor is in fact a bit of a phenomena, it is one of the smallest clubs in the UK, but with a fan base of Musicians who want to come and play there.

Especially exciting is the fact that we have persuaded Vasilis Xenopoulos to become one of them! Anyone who heard him on my first Monday guitar jazz night will need no second prompting to come on August 23rd, and you will be encouraged to know that he will also be turning out again on Monday September 17th with James Fenn, and a band that might well now be called after their CD "The Bureau of Missing Persons".

So, I wont rabbit on anymore this week. I'll see you at a gig near me soon!


Geoff C

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